Tuesday, June 10, 2008

"The fifties"

Cologne Saturday, March 1, 2008
This picture is taken on a stroll in the city from the day of this post: Photographical memo

The architect would say fascinated: “the fifties!”
I am not sure if this or other typical “fifties fascinations” are really plant or built in the fifties. Maybe many of them came from the fifties and the sixties. You can find examples less or more often, in many countries. It is something that makes you imagine that, these kind of buildings are a product of a short time of beauty after the Second World War and before the mass-market-media era. Maybe we see in a subconsciously manner some appearance of the beauty from the visionary way of thinking on the twenties, which unfortunately capped from two big wars and the fascism. This optimistic view passed thru to the new generations in the sixties and the early seventies. But, it’s capped again. Some buildings remain and the Swiss bank can buy their beauty.

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Cologne Saturday, March 1, 2008
This picture is taken on a stroll in the city from the day of this post: Photographical memo

Cologne Saturday, March 1, 2008
This picture is taken on a stroll in the city from the day of this post: Photographical memo



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